Elizabeth Tudor
c. 1544, England
Birthday: September 7
Fun Fact: Speaks 6 languages
Dream Job: Secretary of State
Josefina Montoya
c. 1824, New Mexico
Birthday: March 19
Fun Fact: Loves to sing
Dream Job: Family Physician
Kirsten Larson
c. 1854, Ancestral Dakota Homelands (Minnesota)
Birthday: June 8
Fun Fact: Loves exploring the outdoors
Dream Job: Ecological Restoration Researcher
Addy Walker
c. 1864, Philadelphia
Birthday: April 9
Fun Fact: Spelling bee champ
Dream Job: High School English Teacher
Peggy Scott
c. 1870, Brooklyn
Birthday: July 16
Fun Fact: Attends Addy’s alma mater
Dream Job: Investigative Journalist & Novelist
Samantha Parkington
c. 1904, Mount Bedford, NY
Birthday: May 26
Fun Fact: Enjoys painting
Dream Job: Attorney for the ACLU
Claudie Wells
c. 1922, Harlem
Birthday: May 5
Fun Fact: Loves to tell stories
Dream Job: Film Director
Rita Kumari
c. 2002, Chicago
Birthday: March 13
Fun Fact: Name is pronounced “Ree-thuh”
Dream Job: Artistic Director of a dance company